Satya Azad, an upright Home Minister wants to cleanse the country of corruption with his Anti-Corruption Bill. However, it fails to get enough ‘Ayes’, not only from his allies, but also from his wife Vidya a member of the Opposition, who votes ‘Nay’ in the Vidhan Sabha. When a couple of gruesome killings take place in the city, ACP Jay Azad is brought in to nab the murderer, never mind his motive.
Year 2021
Studio Emmay Entertainment, T-Series
Director Milap Zaveri
Crew Jubin Nautiyal (Playback Singer), Neeti Mohan (Playback Singer), Jass Manak (Playback Singer), Zara Khan (Playback Singer), Kunal Advani (Co-Producer), Monisha Advani (Producer)
Popularity 4
Language हिन्दी