Larsen, an aspiring poet in '20s Oslo, leaves his girlfriend to spend a year as a trapper in East Greenland. There he is teamed with a seemingly rough old sailor/trapper, Randbæk, and a scientist, Holm. Trapped in a tiny hut together as the Arctic winter sets in, a complex and intense love/hate relationship develops between Randbæk and Larsen, who are more similar than either would like to admit. A powerful psychological and physical drama set against stunningly bleak Arctic scenery.
Year 1995
Studio Sandrews, Norsk Film
Director Hans Petter Moland
Crew Hans Petter Moland (Director), Peter Tutein (Novel), Bent Rognlien (Producer), Philip Øgaard (Director of Photography), Einar Egeland (Editor), Bård B. Løvvig (Casting)
Popularity 3
Language Norsk